Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Fund


2022 is set to be a memorable year with the Queen celebrating her Platinum Jubilee.

To help communities in West Norfolk celebrate this historic occasion, the borough council has created a fund to provide small grants of up to £200 for two different types of celebration:

  • Grants for those who are hoping to organise Jubilee related activities or events in their parish, for example street parties or community picnics.
  • Grants for tree planting schemes in line with the Queen’s Green Canopy to create a longer lasting legacy to mark this special occasion.

Some community groups may be eligible to receive free trees from the national Green Canopy programme – please explore this opportunity before applying to this Fund.

A fund of £8,000 in total has been earmarked for both of these schemes.


How to apply

To apply, complete the short application form linked below.

Note: If you wish to apply to both elements of this fund, please do so on separate forms.

When to apply

The deadline for applications is 12 noon Monday 28th February.

Decisions will be made by the end of April.

Who can help

If you have any questions or need any help, please contact Catrin Hamer on 01603 623958 or email

Call for Applications


Maximum Grant


Who can apply?

Charity, Faith organisation, Parish/Town Council, School, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group

Eligible Area

King’s Lynn & West Norfolk