This funding has been made available by NHS Norfolk & Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group to improve access to care and support in the community for children and young people in Norfolk and Waveney who are particularly vulnerable due to their mental health or other complex needs.

It is recognised that the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) can play a vital role in understanding and responding to the wellbeing needs of the children and young people they support, often providing early intervention and prevention programmes that can avoid the need for clinical care.

This funding aims to enable VCSE-led interventions that reduce hospital admissions and the ‘revolving door’ of mental health services, and enhance continuing care in community settings that plays an important role in sustaining wellbeing.  The Fund also recognises that children and young people can face long waits for assessment and treatment planning, and both they and their families can benefit from practical, emotional and respite support to cope day to day or avoid crisis.

In Norfolk this funding is only available to organisations that are members of the Sir Norman Lamb Coalition for Young People.  If you wish to find out more about the benefits of membership, and how to join, you can read more here.

Applications are welcome from VCSE organisations in Waveney that are not Coalition members.

About the Fund

This Fund aims to provide funding to enable tailored interventions to benefit the most at risk/ high need children and young people, who need additional care and support.

This can include, but is not limited to, children and young people who:

  • Are Autistic, have a learning disability or mental health condition.
  • Are known to health services and are awaiting assessment/ treatment
  • Are at risk of being referred to a clinical or acute health setting; or have moved out of a clinical or acute health setting and require enhanced support within a VCSE setting to continue recovery and/ or prevent relapse.
  • Have experienced difficulties/ set backs in progress/ recovery as a result of Covid-19 restrictions/ isolation.
  • Have suffered psychological trauma which may include experience of eating disorders, self harm or risk of suicide.
  • Have additional needs who are currently not in mainstream education (either as a result of medical needs, or exclusion).

The Fund is particularly keen to benefit children and young people who are:

  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender
  • Black, Asian and minority ethnic
  • Asylum seekers/ refugees
  • Gypsy Roma and Traveller

For the purpose of this Fund, a young person is up to 25 years old.

Typically grants of up to £5,000 can be awarded to eligible VCSE organisations in Norfolk and Waveney providing relevant care and support with appropriate safeguards – larger grants may be considered for action that has the potential to deliver substantial impact for an individual or group.

It is expected that grants will provide immediate benefit, and funded action will begin without delay.  Grants should typically be fully spent within 12 months of award.

What the Fund can support

The Fund can support a wide range of activity to improve the wellbeing of particularly vulnerable children and young people, where high risk has been identified.  This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Positive activities that can be evidenced to improve wellbeing, such as access to sports, arts or other community activities
  • Provide transport/ equipment/ clothing etc. to enable participation in positive activities that can be evidenced to improve wellbeing
  • To put in place additional staffing/ provision to enhance organisation support to particularly vulnerable children and young people and/ or their families
  • Respite activities, including trips/ residentials (as Covid-19 safety measures allow)
  • Purchasing practical items which can be evidenced to benefit the wellbeing of the individual/ family such as a washing machine or computer equipment for households in hardship


  • Grants can only be awarded to VCSE support organisations in Norfolk and Waveney, and cannot be awarded to individuals direct.
  • Schools cannot apply.
  • Norfolk applicant organisations must be members of the Sir Norman Lamb Coalition for Young People (this restriction does not apply to applicant organisations in Waveney).
  • Funding cannot be used to cover the cost of private treatment or expedited assessment.

How to apply

Applications can be submitted at any time while the Fund is open and decisions will be made on a rolling basis.  The Fund will be closed when all available funding has been fully spent.

Norfolk based organisations – please use the ‘Apply Online’ link to the right of your screen to begin an online application via Norfolk Community Foundation. Please direct any queries to to help us respond quickly while working remotely.

Waveney (Suffolk) based organisations – please apply via Suffolk Community Foundation at