This Fund has been created by NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group through their Health Equality Partnership project. The aim of this fund is to provide grants to the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE) to enable them to support the NHS in taking steps to overcome vaccine inequalities in the Norfolk and Waveney population, particularly in underserved communities and other areas where a priority need has been identified.
It is recognised that our community organisations are a trusted voice for many people, and can play an important role in providing information and support to those who may face concerns or practical barriers to taking up the COVID-19 vaccine.
Led by Anglia Ruskin University, extensive engagement has been carried out amongst our most marginalised communities, and the organisations that support them, to highlight the particular issues leading to vaccine hesitancy.
This research will continue throughout the vaccine roll out, and the priorities for this funding will be updated in response to the issues emerging.
Applications can be made on a rolling basis while the Fund is open. From time to time the Fund will be paused in order to update criteria, informed by the ongoing research.
At this time, applications should aim to support the NHS to increase uptake in COVID-19 vaccinations, amongst the following groups:
- Ethnic minorities communities
- Low income households
- Migrant workers
- Asylum Seekers and those with no recourse to public funds
- Homeless and rough sleepers
- Sex workers
- Gypsy Roma travellers and boaters
Who can apply?
Applications are welcomed from Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE) organisations in Norfolk and Waveney who are able to demonstrate reach into the priority communities identified.
Working in partnership is encouraged, to extend the reach of funded activities.
Informal (non-constituted) groups and individuals keen to get involved are encouraged to make contact with an established local VCSE organisation (for example, a faith organisation or charity) in order to access the Fund.
All awardees will receive support from health partners to ensure they have access to accurate and up to date information and resources. Awardees will also be asked to contribute to the ongoing engagement that underpins this funding.
Grants available
Grants from £250-£5,000 are available to support activities that are directly related to overcoming vaccine hesitancy amongst the priority groups stated above.
Types of activity that funding can cover
Grants can be used to enable a range of activity, including but not limited to:
- Increased staffing costs to support community engagement and related costs, to overcome vaccine inequality
- Costs relating to community meetings (online or in person as pandemic restrictions allow)
- Production and distribution of information/ printed materials, including signage and small capital items directly relating to activities to overcome vaccine inequality
- Translation services
- Volunteer expenses or additional staff costs directly related to overcoming vaccine hesitancy
All public facing promotional campaigns and media/social media promotion should be discussed with the CCG Communications Team to ensure all branding and messaging is in line with local activity and national guidance.
You may also be asked to share any materials or resources created with your grant to support other related community engagement activities.
If you would like an informal discussion about your idea, would like to link with the Communications Team at the CCG, or need help with general connectivity to the NHS please contact
The Fund is not able to support:
- Applications from schools, local government or other statutory body.
- Funding cannot be used to support projects or initiatives that should be covered by core NHS, social care or other statutory services.
- Funding cannot be used to support private healthcare/ other private sector services.
- Grants cannot be awarded to individuals/ informal (non-constituted) groups
Excluded organisations/ groups may support and partner a funded VCSE organisation to deliver its activities, but cannot directly receive funding through this programme. Their input is also welcomed to the wider engagement activity led by Anglia Ruskin University – see contact details above if you would like to connect to this work.
How to apply
Applications can be made on a rolling basis while the Fund is open. From time to time the Fund will be paused in order to update criteria, informed by the ongoing research.
Norfolk based organisations – please use the ‘Apply Online’ link to the right of your screen to begin an online application via Norfolk Community Foundation. Please direct any queries to to help us respond quickly while working remotely.
Waveney (Suffolk) based organisations – please apply via Suffolk Community Foundation at