The Healthy Young Minds Fund aims to support continuing care in the community for children and young people who have a mental health need, and who may experience health access inequalities, in Norfolk and Waveney.
It is recognised that the VCSE sector plays a vital role in understanding and responding to the wellbeing needs of the children and young people they support, often providing early intervention and prevention programmes that can avoid the need for clinical care. This Fund aims to support and strengthen this work.
This funding has been made available by the NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board.
About the Fund
Grants of up to £25,000 are available to support mental health interventions for children & young people who:
- Priority One – have a moderate-to-severe mental health need, or have otherwise been identified as in crisis, or most at risk. This might include those at risk of being referred to, or have recently moved out of, a clinical health setting. It may include (but not be limited to) individuals who have experienced psychological trauma, have an eating disorder, or are suicidal.
- Priority Two – identify as having an emerging and/or mild-to-moderate mental health need. This might include (but not be limited to) low mood, anxiety, low self-esteem, or presentations of self-harm.
The Fund is also keen to benefit those who may experience health access inequalities, which could include children and young people who are:
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender
- Neurodiverse
- Black, Asian and minority ethnic
- Asylum seekers/ refugees
- Rurally isolated
- Gypsy Roma and Traveller
For the purpose of this Fund, a young person is defined up to their 25th birthday.
What can the Fund support?
The Fund can cover direct service delivery costs for community-based mental health interventions that may draw from a variety of biological, psychological, and social recovery methods. These can be existing costs, or costs to pilot or deliver a new project.
Examples might include youth work, evidence-based clinical work, counselling, or support through creative arts or sports activities.
Funding available
Grants of up to £25,000 can be applied for to support activity addressing either priority.
Larger grants may be considered where substantial need or potential for substantial impact can be demonstrated.
Please contact us at the details below before submitting an application for a larger grant.
Who can apply
Applications are invited from VCSE organisations with a track record of delivering impactful mental health interventions with appropriate safeguards to children and young people.
Strong applicants will be able to demonstrate:
- Knowledge of mental health services and, ideally, existing partnership working with these services
- Quality processes for measuring and reporting on the impact of interventions e.g. the use of outcomes stars, Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) or The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS)
- Sustainability of service delivery
The Fund can only consider direct activity costs. Capital projects cannot be considered.
How and when to apply
All applicants should check they meet NCF’s general eligibility criteria. You can use the ‘Apply online’ link below to begin an online application.
When filling out your application form, please indicate which one of the priority groups your activity will support. If you deliver distinct activities working with each priority group and would like to apply for both, please make separate applications clearly indicating which priority group each activity will support.
The deadline for applications is Monday 15th of May 2023, and we aim to confirm funding decisions by early July 2023.
Call for Applications
Maximum Grant
15 May 2023 – 12:00pm
Who can apply?
Charity, Faith organisation, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group
Eligible Area
Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, South Norfolk, and Waveney