Love Norfolk

We Love Norfolk, and we know you do too. We’re inspired by the Norfolk communities we collaborate with every day, who are passionate and have creative ideas about how to make our county even better.
What is it about? 

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to support a range of community activities and projects that benefit people and communities across Norfolk.

  • What will help your group flourish? Tell us what you want to do and what positive things your activity will provide for those in your community.
  • You may be asking us to support a new project, or an ongoing activity which is core to your service delivery, and which can only be sustained by continuous fundraising. So, you can just tell us that, and show us how this activity impacts people’s lives.
  • Projects working within deprived communities, supporting vulnerable people, or reducing inequalities will be prioritised. In this round, we particularly encourage applications seeking to support people’s mental health and wellbeing.
This funding may be right for you if:
  • You are a small grassroots community group or charity, with an annual income of less than £500,000. This is based on your group’s most recent annual accounts.
  • You are seeking project costs or costs relating to the ongoing development needs of your group (i.e. core costs). Requests can include small, portable pieces of equipment to aid the delivery of activities, such as IT equipment.
  • You can start spending your grant within 3 months of receipt.
  • If you received a grant from the Love Norfolk Fund in the spring round of 2024, you may apply to this round provided your grant is on track to be fully spent by June 2025.
Unfortunately, there are a few things that can’t be funded. This funding is not right for you if:
  • Your group’s annual income exceeds £500,000.
  • You want to fund the purchase of a vehicle, such as a minibus.
  • You want to fund a building/refurbishment project, or other permanent changes/repairs to a premises. Grounds or court maintenance costs may be considered.
  • Your project is focused on developing a playground.
  • You are seeking to purchase and install a defibrillator.
  • You are seeking to commemorate VE or VJ Day.
  • You applied for, and were awarded, a grant from the Love Norfolk Fund in the autumn round of 2024.

What else do I need to know?

When to apply

The deadline to submit applications is 12 noon on Thursday 6th March. We expect to confirm funding decisions by the end of May. Grants can support up to 12 months of activity from May.

How to apply

All applicants should check that they meet NCF’s eligibility criteria.

Please use the ‘Apply online’ link below to begin an online application.

Why might I be unsuccessful?

In the last round of Love Norfolk, due to the volume of applications received, the success rate of applications was 56%. Here are some of the common reasons why applications were unsuccessful.

What happens next?

Once the Programmes team have reviewed your application, we work to match it with donors passionate about supporting community action in your area.

Love Norfolk brings together the Norfolk 100 membership, and corporate and individual donors, to support the diverse work that organisations do to make Norfolk shine brighter. This means several decision-making meetings take place throughout May, and your application may be considered by more than one.

If your application is successful, this could result in a grant award with support from several donors, which we will always make clear in your grant offer.

An outing with North Norfolk Community Transport, supported by Love Norfolk
Making great things happen

With support from the Norfolk 100 membership and private and individual donors, Love Norfolk was able to support over 110 projects across the county in 2024.

These projects show the diverse range of community action in Norfolk, and the work that organisations do to continue to make Norfolk shine brighter.

Click below to see a small selection of the great work that we have been proud to fund through Love Norfolk, and the impact of some of the projects supported across 2023-24.

Call for Applications


Maximum Grant



6 March 2025 – 12:00pm

Who can apply?

Charity, Faith organisation, Parish/Town Council, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group

Eligible Area

Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk

Find Out More & Apply