Lovewell Blake Fund

The Lovewell Blake Fund aims to benefit smaller, often lesser-known community based organisations where small grants can make a real difference.

Grants of up to £2,000 are available for organisations seeking to do something special in their community.

This year, around £30,000 in total is available for awarding across Norfolk, Suffolk, and the Ely area of Cambridgeshire. Applicants from Suffolk should apply via Suffolk Community Foundation and from Cambridgeshire should apply via Cambridgeshire Community Foundation.

How to apply:

All applicants should check that they meet NCF’s eligibility criteria.

Please use the ‘Apply online’ link below to begin an online application.

When to apply:

The deadline for applications is 12:00 midday on Monday 7th April 2025. We aim to confirm funding decisions in June 2025.

This funding can support:
  • Small community groups with an annual income of less than £50,000. This is based on your group’s most recent annual accounts.
  • Activities with a high level of volunteer involvement.
  • Small capital items, such as sports equipment.
  • Larger capital items, where the applicant can demonstrate the majority of funding is in place at the point of application.


This funding cannot support:
  • Larger organisations with an annual income of over £50,000.
  • Costs relating to the operational or ongoing development needs of your group (i.e. core costs).
  • Staff costs.
  • Larger capital items where the majority of funding has not already been obtained.
  • Larger capital projects such as play equipment or building work.

Call for Applications


Maximum Grant



7 April 2025 – 12:00pm

Who can apply?

Charity, Faith organisation, Parish/Town Council, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group

Eligible Area

Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk

Find Out More & Apply