We know that community groups of every size are carrying out amazing work across Norfolk. Our Microgrants Fund offers funding and support opportunities to the grassroots community groups who are essential in addressing local need.
We understand that small emerging community groups may need a small amount of funding to pilot an idea, but might not be at the stage of having the structures and safeguards in place that are usually required to be eligible for grant funding.
Our Microgrants Fund aims to:
- Support community groups who are working towards organising themselves with the appropriate policies and governance
- Help move your group towards being eligible for funding opportunities with NCF and other funders
- Pilot your idea to address a need in your community
To be eligible for this Fund, the minimum requirement is that your group consists of at least 3 unconnected people with a shared community vision.
To apply for this Fund, you won’t need to have a constitution, community bank account, Safeguarding policy or Equal Opportunities policy. It may be that your group does not fit our usual eligibility criteria. However, this fund will support you in moving toward this.
Grants of up to £500 are available from a £20,000 pot.
Examples of funded activity may include:
- Training (e.g. safeguarding, food hygiene and safety) and insurance (public liability).
- Governance support from a trusted organisation (not freelance or private) that can help your groups development.
- Costs towards your pilot project: volunteer expenses, venue hire, promotional materials etc.
This list is not exhaustive, each proposal will be considered on a case by case basis.
Please note that you should be able to spend this funding within 12 months of receipt.
Unfortunately, the following things can’t be funded:
- Staff costs
- Duplication of community activity currently in your area
- Capital (building) projects, including kitchen/toilet and other refurbishments.
- Typically, the Fund can’t consider applications from groups who are already established with an annual income exceeding £25,000, as it’s primary aim is to support grassroots and emerging community groups.
Please take a look at our online guidance to see what other types of work we cannot support.
When to apply
This fund is now closed. The fund will be open to proposals for 6 weeks at time, but please note that the fund may close early if we receive a large number of proposals.
Over the course of a year, we aim to open the Microgrants Fund a total of 3 times. Please sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know when this grant programme is open.
Funding process
If you are interested in this funding opportunity, please fill in the brief form attached at the bottom of this page and send this to grants@norfolkfoundation.com.
A member of the Programmes Team will be in touch within 2 weeks of receiving your proposal to arrange a meeting with your group. This could be a phone call, online or in person. This conversation will explore your ideas and what NCF can do to support these. Funding will then be released to support the needs identified in this conversation if they are considered a good fit for the fund.
If you have any questions about completing the form or more generally about the Fund, please talk to Lizzi Barker at Norfolk Community Foundation.
Call for Applications
Maximum Grant
Who can apply?
Unconstituted or small VCSE groups
Eligible Area
Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk