Momentum Youth Fund

Momentum Youth Fund grants are available to help groups provide the best support, or life-enriching opportunities, to the children and young people in their community. 

This grant is funded by Norfolk County Council and was previously administered by Momentum, part of Voluntary Norfolk.
What is it about?

Grants of up to £500 are available to support a range of community activities and projects that benefit children and young people in Norfolk aged 11-19, and up to 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Momentum Small Grants are for small voluntary clubs, groups, and organisations with an income of under £250,000. The total pot of funding available is £13,500.

These grants are for young people, so we want the voice of young people to be at the core of this programme. The Norfolk Youth Parliament will be a key part of the decision-making panel.

This funding may be right for you if:
  • You are a small grassroots community group or charity, with an annual income of less than £250,000.
  • You are an established organisation with a track record of delivering activities or services that benefit young people in Norfolk.
  • You work with young people aged 11-19, and up to 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
  • You have developed your project in consultation with young people.
We will fund applications to:
  • Purchase equipment to support the running of your group.
  • Run an activity for your group.
  • Offer training and development opportunities to your staff and volunteers.
Here are some examples of what you might apply for:
  • A pool table
  • Arts and crafts resources
  • Games consoles and games
  • Computer equipment
  • Making your youth centre more comfortable
  • An outreach project
  • A camping trip
  • Staff costs
  • Youth Work training
  • Mental Health First Aid training
Unfortunately, there are a few things that can’t be funded. This funding is not right for you if:
  • Your group’s annual income exceeds £250,000. This is based on your group’s most recent annual accounts.
  • You are applying for maintenance or vehicle repairs.
  • You want to fund a building/refurbishment project or other permanent changes or repairs to a premises.
  • You are promoting a religious or political cause.
  • You are applying for loans or repayment of any kind.
  • You are applying for retrospective funding.
  • You are applying to purchase sports team uniforms.
  • You are applying for any form of fundraising.
What else do I need to know?
When to apply

The Fund is now open. The deadline for submission of applications is Monday 8th July at 5pm. We expect to confirm funding decisions by mid-August.

How to apply

All applicants should check that they meet NCF’s eligibility criteria.

FUND CLOSED on 8th July 2024.

Call for Applications


Maximum Grant



8 July 2024 – 5:00pm

Who can apply?

Charity, Faith organisation, Parish/Town Council, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group

Eligible Area

Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk

Find Out More & Apply