Norfolk Offshore Wind Zone Community Fund – empowering communities to grow greener by supporting the projects and places that build nature connection and climate resilience.
This 1-year discovery phase of funding is the first seed to be planted in a long season of nurturing community action and will offer grants of up to £10,000 from an initial pot of c.£100,000. In this first year, the fund will consider projects taking place in, or for people living in, the parishes in Zone 1.
The boundary for Zone 1 encompasses the communities located closest to the infrastructure for the wind farms. They are the communities that the Norfolk Offshore Wind Zone have been consulting and engaging with since the outset of the projects, through planning and now into the construction phase.
All applications should demonstrate how the funded project will lead to tangible benefit to the environment by addressing one of three themes:
- Nature and green spaces
- Community Hubs
- Transport
These initial themes were developed in consultation with local communities and will continue to grow and change as the fund develops.

Norfolk Community Foundation has been appointed as community investment steward for the Norfolk Offshore Wind Zone Community Fund by RWE.
RWE is the leading power generator in the UK, and a leading renewables developer, generating enough power for around 12 million homes, with a diverse portfolio of wind, hydro, biomass and gas.
Once operational, RWE’s Norfolk Offshore Wind Zone is set to be among the world’s most significant generators of clean, sustainable electricity for millions of homes across the UK each year.
These projects will play a pivotal role in establishing and preserving East Anglia’s status as a leader in the UK’s renewable energy sector, placing the region at the forefront of our country’s shift towards a more sustainable, low-carbon economy. They are expected to create hundreds of jobs locally and will keep supporting local and regional skills development programmes.
Some examples of types of projects the discovery funding round could support:
Nature and green spaces
- Developing a community orchard, community garden or community woodland
- Developing community allotments/food growing schemes
- Improving a publicly accessible site, or one that is closed to avoid habitat disturbance, to make it more attractive to wildlife and native plants
- Establishing children’s nature clubs in the community
- Events that engage the community with maintaining green spaces e.g. bulb planting, outdoor workshops and working groups
- Community initiatives to tackle litter in green spaces in urban areas, the countryside or on beaches
Community Hubs
- Installing a green energy source or energy efficiency improvements at a community building e.g. installing solar panels, LED lighting or insulation
- Developing energy co-operatives
- Community composting schemes
- Installing a green gym
- Electrical vehicles or vehicle charging points
- Community car schemes
- Promoting walking or cycling to a community space e.g. installing bike racks
What else do I need to know?
In this discovery phase, some things cannot be supported, including:
- Commercial organisations
- Individuals
- Costs associated with normal delivery of the curriculum in schools, e.g. teacher salaries or equipment for lessons
- Capital improvements/projects on school premises
- Any works considered a statutory responsibility, such as scheduled transport services, works to public highways and public car parks
- Projects that are religious in focus or that support a party political campaign or cause or may bring the fund or the funder into disrepute
- Retrospective funding, i.e. projects that have already been completed, whether or not already paid for
Who can apply
Groups eligible to apply are listed below. Applicants should check that they meet NCF’s general eligibility criteria.
How to apply
To apply, complete the online application form linked below.
When to apply
The Fund is now closed. The deadline for submitting applications was 12noon on Friday 29th November. We expect to confirm funding decisions in early February.
What about reporting?
Grant recipients will typically be contacted by NCF via an online form at 6 and 12 months during the funded period. After NCF receives your final report there will be an additional, optional opportunity to feedback to RWE directly about your completed project.
How will decisions be made?
We are inviting local people to join the Norfolk Offshore Wind Zone Community Panel to help make decisions on which projects are funded.
Applications for the community panel are now closed.
Call for Applications
Maximum Grant
Who can apply?
Charity, Faith organisation, Parish/Town Council, School, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group
Eligible Area
Selected Areas Only (See Map)