North Pickenham Windfarm Community Fund

Update 1/5/24 – as sufficient applications have been received the fund has closed. It will not re-open until early 2025.


The North Pickenham Windfarm Community Fund is aimed at small community led organisations that are working in communities within a 5 kilometre radius of North Pickenham Windfarm.

The purpose of the Fund is to support community activity that involves local people through small community organisations, and benefits their community.  The activities must provide some measure of economic, environmental, educational, social or cultural benefit for people living in the area.

The fund has £9,000 available per year for grantmaking while the North Pickenham Windfarm is operational.

Awards from the fund will not typically exceed £5,000 though a larger award may be considered for a project with clear and wide benefit to the eligible area. If you are considering applying for a larger award, you should talk to Norfolk community Foundation before starting an application.

How to apply

Before starting an application, check that you meet NCF’s general eligibility criteria. When you are ready to apply, complete the online application form linked below.

When to apply

Applications are considered on a rolling basis. Once all of the funding has been allocated for a year the fund will close and no further applications can be accepted.

Who can help

If you have any questions or would like to discuss an application, please contact Clive Rayner email: or phone 01603 623958.

Call for Applications


Maximum Grant


Who can apply?

Charity, Faith organisation, Parish/Town Council, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group

Eligible Area

5 km radius of North Pickenham windfarm

Find Out More & Apply