The Villages Community Fund aims to support projects which will benefit the residents of the parishes of Holton, Sotherton and Westhall.
The purpose of the Villages Community Fund is to support any type of activity that involves local people through small community organisations that benefit their community. The activities must provide some measure of economic, environmental, educational, social or cultural benefit for people living in the area.
Applications can be made at any time when the Fund is open and will be considered by the panel on a rolling basis. Applicants should check that they meet NCF general eligibility criteria.
Awards from the fund will not typically exceed £5,000 though a larger award may be considered for a project with clear and wide benefit to the eligible area. If you are considering applying for a larger award please speak to Norfolk Community Foundation before starting an application.
Call for Applications
Maximum Grant
Who can apply?
Charity, Faith organisation, Parish/Town Council, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group
Eligible Area
Holton, Sotherton and Westhall