Welcome to Norfolk Fund

Norfolk charities have a long history of helping support migrants and refugees in our county.

We know that our local charities are always front and centre as people arrive following war or natural disaster in their home countries, supporting both the short and long-term practical needs of those fleeing for their lives.

The Welcome to Norfolk Fund seeks to support those organisations in their response to the challenges faced by migrant, refugee and asylum communities.

About the Fund

This Fund could be suitable if you are:

  • A Norfolk charity or voluntary group working with one or more of the target communities – the funding is not available to national or regional charities.
  • An established organisation delivering activities or services for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and has had to develop what you do in response to the needs among the target groups – we are keen to hear what is happening for those communities.
  • Seeking project costs or core costs related to services supporting the migrant, refugee and asylum communities, where an increase in demand for what your organisation does has impacted delivery costs.
  • A voluntary and community group, who have developed recent services and activities to help the migrant, refugee and asylum communities and can talk about the benefits.
The grant cannot support:
  • Capital items.
  • National and regional charities.
How much is available:

The fund aims to award up to £37,000 in this round.

Grants of between £500 and £5,000.

Who can apply:

Groups eligible to apply are listed below.

Applicants should check they meet NCF’s eligibility criteria.

This Fund has been set up as result of the Welcome to Norfolk fundraising campaign and its generous donors.

Call for Applications


Maximum Grant


15 August 2023 – 12:00pm

Who can apply?

Charity, District/Borough Council, Faith organisation, Parish/Town Council, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group

Eligible Area

Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk

Find Out More & Apply