Animals that Care

Healing hearts and minds with animal friends.

Having trusted connections where we feel appreciated is essential for our wellbeing. When human trust is hard to find, animals offer love without judgment. They give us a safe way to build connections, help us navigate life’s challenges, offer emotional healing and bring connection into the lives of people who might otherwise feel isolated.

Animals that Care is dedicated to ensuring that animals who provide us with care and companionship receive the help they need as well.

“Research has shown that spending time with donkeys has enormous therapeutic benefits. Donkeys are naturally calm animals. Their slow and steady presence gives a feeling of security and comfort to the poorly, the elderly and those suffering from emotional difficulties … The main highlight has to be with one resident who never leaves her bedroom. This lady suffers from dementia and the donkeys visited her in her bedroom. As soon as she saw them her face lit up. She absolutely loved them!”


“Dogs are very good companions and often act as ‘ice breakers’ by giving strangers the opportunity to exchange a few words, and potentially to form friendships. One lady’s Consultant, GP, support workers, and family could not believe the difference that the dog had made to her life. Previously she would not go anywhere unless accompanied by a support worker but after a few weeks felt confident enough to go out by herself with the dog for three short walks every day.”

Companion Paws

“W.P is autistic and spends a lot of time at home. On arrival he was visibly nervous and told staff ‘I’m facing my fears today, I don’t like animals.’ When W.P first saw the therapy horse, he was frightened and didn’t want to touch the horse. After encouragement and reassurance, W.P became more at ease and with staff support began to stroke the horse before going on a carriage ride. At the end, W.P was confident and happy to have overcome his fear with a real sense of achievement.”

West Norfolk Riding for the Disabled Association

How are we helping?

Through funding, we help preserve the vital connection between people and their beloved pets. By providing support that helps with vet bills and pet food, we ensure that no one has to say goodbye to their cherished companion during tough times. Furthermore, we back causes that support service animals assisting those most in need, ensuring these life-changing companions are cared for.

When faced with financial difficulties, health challenges, or other crises this essential connection can be threatened. When the stability and sense of wellbeing that these animals provide is disrupted, it causes emotional distress for the individuals involved. Acknowledging the value of these bonds, Animals that Care seeks to keep people connected with their essential animal friends to preserve people’s wellbeing and dignity.

We’re committed to fostering the bond between people and animals, promoting emotional wellbeing, and creating a world where no one has to face life’s challenges alone.