Empower your business

to make a difference today.


When a Norfolk business aimed to boost their social

impact, they turned to Good for Good. Expert insights

and knowledge guided their impactful decisions.


Join Good for Good: linking businesses and charities across

Norfolk for lasting community impact.

It’s simple to get going:

Start your journey today.

Connect with Good for Good, powered by Norfolk Community Foundation.



“Good for Good is a way of enabling businesses to do good in practical ways, for their staff to get involved in helping charities and making getting involved much easier. We are happy to help.”

Kevin Keable, Chairman, EEEGR

“It’s really important to Borne that we support our community. But what we’ve also seen is how much of a difference this makes to how our team feels and therefore the culture in Borne, as it gives people the opportunity to feel they’re making a real tangible difference to something really important and valuable.”

Carole Osborne, Founder, Borne

“The Foundation has been vital in helping our business address community needs. Their collaboration has been crucial in tackling local issues and helping us see our social impact.”

Justin Galliford, Chief Executive, Norse Group

“When an employer invests in local young people it raises their profile and makes recruitment easier for them. No community wants their young people to start a life on benefits and any opportunity as small as a one hour mock interview or as big as a few weeks’ work experience would have a positive impact on supporting young people into employment.”

Julia Nix, East Anglia District Manager for the Department for Work and Pensions

“As a recognised B Corp specialising in sustainable construction, I recognise the need for good, authentic ESG to be at the heart of values led businesses. Good for Good enables us to make a meaningful social impact and really help those communities in most need in Norfolk.”

Prof. Saul Humphrey, Managing Director of Saul Humphrey LLP and Chair of Norfolk Institute of Directors

“Good for Good allows businesses to get actively involved to support and improve the local community, and the lives of the people in it, by connecting them to local charities so that they can really make a difference where it counts. A fantastic initiative, and one that I am extremely proud to be part of.”

Harriet Howes, Partner, Leathes Prior Solicitors

“I have always been a big supporter of responsible business and believe strongly in doing well whilst doing good. Business and communities cannot exist without each other – we are all intrinsically linked. Good for Good is an excellent initiative bringing people and businesses together in one place to support some fantastic causes and help to make change happen.”

James Ellis, Director, James Ellis Enterprises

“Connecting businesses with the VCSE sector is crucial for creating sustainable and inclusive growth. uniting businesses, local authorities, and communities In Norwich and wider Norfolk is vital. This type of collaboration ensures that progress is not only inclusive but leaves no place behind.”

Tracey Drake, Head of Place (Norwich), Business in the Community

“Supporting charities and the wider community in Norfolk has always been a core thread that runs through Jarrolds. Good for Good is a fantastic initiative which uses the unique position Norfolk Community Foundation hold to bring charities and businesses together, making it easier to do good and deliver real impact.”

Tom Burdett, Director of Finance & Strategic Operations, Jarrolds

“Good for Good, which brings businesses and charities together, makes perfect sense. Not only in the sharing of precious resources, but time given by business to share their experience alongside a mentoring scheme, which I would personally have benefited from, brings the sectors together, working in our local community in Norfolk to support those most in need.”

Leigh Doran, Director, The Butterfly Programme

Support charities with what they need

Back a strategic response
Financially support a focus area addressing immediate need in Norfolk. Make a one off or regular donation or ask us to process your Payroll Giving, enabling employees to tax efficiently support a strategic response. Or choose us as your charity of the year – here’s 5 reasons why you should.

Donate assets

  • Space
  • Transport
  • Services
  • Items

Give your time

  • Donate professional skills time via Skills Exchange
  • Employee volunteering initiatives
  • Join our mentor scheme

Join over 150 businesses and some of Norfolk’s leading brands who are already part of Good for Good

We found 158 results.

Accounting Forward Ltd

Industry: Finance

Adept IT Solutions LLP

Industry: Information Technology

Allies Computing

Industry: Information Technology

Allison Surveying

Industry: Construction

Andrew Morton Associates

Industry: Construction

Apex Car Rental

Industry: Automotive

Aspect Group

Industry: Construction

Barratt & Cooke

Industry: Finance

Ben Burgess

Industry: Agriculture

Berry & Warren

Industry: Finance

Businesses taking action

“Naked has a long history of supporting Norfolk Community Foundation and local third-sector organisations. We like to be able to use our skills to give back and make a difference doing something that we love doing.”

Dan Bradfield, Managing Director, Naked Marketing

“Notcutts Norwich is proud to partner with Nourishing Norfolk – we know the important role that good nutrition plays in a healthy lifestyle, and how this can be achieved through growing your own fruit and vegetables. By supporting community growers to grow their own vegetables, local communities will really benefit from this amazing initiative.”

Darren Brooks, General Manager, Notcutts

“We recognise that times are tough and that practical interventions such as the Good for Good scheme enables a business such as ours to make lasting social change in the local communities. We are thrilled to be involved and look forward to expanding our positive impact.”

Tom Hoare, Account Manager, Stevensons

“I believe that images have the potential to inspire positive change. By engaging with Good for Good, I’m aiming to direct my skills, experience and passion for photography towards making a meaningful social impact where I live. My commitment to Good for Good allows me to do this in the confidence that I am making a useful difference in my community.”

Keith Osborn, Owner, Keith Osborn Photography

“We established our community support programme several years ago and it feels that our core values align with that of Good for Good, so it made sense for us to get involved. Engaging in meaningful projects not only strengthens our team’s bond but also demonstrates how collaborative efforts in business can lead to a greater impact. Together, we can accomplish so much more!”

Daniel Grocott, Managing Director, Grocott & Murfit

“Stephenson Smart Accountants and Business Advisors believe that by supporting individuals and organisations in the communities of which we are part, we can help to empower local people and groups to be the best that they can be, strengthening the infrastructure of our neighbourhoods. We have a talented staff team who are being encouraged to support their community by connecting with Norfolk’s voluntary sector through participation in the Good for Good Skills Exchange.”

Henry Pettitt FCA CTA , Partner, Stephenson Smart Accountants and Business Advisors


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