State of Norfolk

Summer 2024

Welcome to our first “State of Norfolk” bulletin, your go-to quarterly update from the Norfolk Community Foundation. As one of Norfolk’s most significant grant funders, we provide unique insights into the local charity sector.

Key insights:

Overlooked and Underfunded

New insights from the Centre for Social Justice show that 85% of all charitable income in England and Wales goes to the top 4% of charities, leaving small charities underfunded. Over half of the charities that applied for our Love Norfolk funding had an income of under £25,000. At a time when core costs are spiralling upwards, the demand on small, local charities continues to increase.

Norfolk’s Pressing Needs

Our recent response funding has highlighted the urgent needs of grassroots communities. We’ve seen a huge demand for food support, a frequent need for social connection to combat loneliness, and significant concerns around fuel support and the affordability of school uniforms, as household budgets are increasingly stretched.

Grant Data Shows Gaps

The recent focus on funding essential services means that gaps are growing in areas like developing community spaces and playing fields. However, these areas are vital to our communities. According to recent Youth Advisory Board findings, over 40% of young people identify better clubs and outdoor spaces as a top priority.

Desire for Development

Despite being battle-weary, many charities are eager to do more. There are increasing requests to develop expertise in areas like fundraising and HR. While some funding programmes pit charities against each other, our recent network meet-ups have shown a strong desire among organisations to collaborate and support one another.

We are committed to addressing each of these challenges with our funding and activities over the coming year. Together, we can strengthen our communities and ensure no one is left behind.

[Published 31.07.2024]